Questions?  1.877.550.6325 

How To Avoid Rejected 8821’s

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Common Rejections

 The uploaded Form 8821 must be legible in order to be verified by the IRS.

Please review the Form 8821 to ensure your version is legible prior to resubmitting.


The uploaded Form 8821 is either the Form 8821 of another client or some other document that’s not accepted by the IRS.

Please download the pre-populated Form 8821 directly from your portal account for resubmission.


The uploaded Form 8821 has an illegible signature and/or missing a signature date.


The IRS does not associate the Form 8821 signer with the business or individual.

The Form 8821 can only be signed by specific individuals with the proper authority to do so. Please contact your account manager if there are questions about these requirements.


The title listed for the signer on the Form 8821 is invalid or is missing.

Please resubmit a new Form 8821 with the correct title.


The EIN/SSN that was provided on Form 8821 does not match the EIN/SSN that we have in our system.

Please contact your account manager to discuss this discrepancy.


Expired Rejections

 The uploaded Form 8821 must be legible in order to be verified by the IRS.

Please review the Form 8821 to ensure your version is legible prior to resubmitting.


The uploaded Form 8821 is either the Form 8821 of another client or some other document that’s not accepted by the IRS.

Please download the pre-populated Form 8821 directly from your portal account for resubmission.


The IRS requires that the Form 8821 must be submitted within 120 days of the signature date or it will be rejected. Please resubmit a new Form 8821 with an updated signature.


Missing Form Authorizations

The name, EIN/SSN and/or the address on the Form 8821 does not match the IRS records.


The appointee box is not checked and/or the form is missing Tax Guard’s information. Please download the pre-populated Form 8821 directly from your portal account for resubmission.


Form 8821 is missing information in section 3a, 3b, 3c or the information provided is inconsistent. Please resubmit a new Form 8821 with the correct informaiton.


To receive Tax Guard’s ongoing monitoring Box 4 cannot be checked. audience-1677028_1920

For the IRS to disclose tax information to Tax Guard Box 5a must be checked.


Incorrect Client Name, Org Type, EIN/SSN issues, Etc.

The name, EIN/SSN and/or the address on the Form 8821 does not match the IRS records. Please resubmit a new Form 8821 with the correct information.


The organization type entered does not match IRS records and can not be processed. Please resubmit a new Form 8821 with the correct organization type.


Questions? 1.877.550.6325